Santé à L'école - Healthy Schools
Covid-19 was a huge wake-up call for Senegalese schools, forcing them into the front line to ease the burden on the already stressed healthcare system. But the gap between the healthcare and education sector is enormous. Schools do not have the most basic first aid knowledge or materials. And the national education curriculum is years out-of-date on health topics and practices.
First aid kits for schools
Santé à L'école encourages health-conscious decisions among students. This is easily measurable by increased health knowledge, increased health practices and increased health outcomes.
Initially Santé à L'école is providing first aid kits and basic first aid training for teachers. Because in a tropical climate, even small cuts can develop into serious infections, and this is the fastest and most critical school health front line need.

Health education for massive scale
Follow-on activities include online teacher training and student learning content including lessons on healthy eating, climate change, pollution, and related environmental health topics. Also included will be preliminary diagnosis of vision, hearing and dental health.
We are assembling the partnerships necessary to finance, develop and distribute first aid kits and necessary teacher training and student learning content.

We’ve already started!
In early 2022, Santé à L'école distributed first-aid kits in Ndoffane, Senegal to 17 schools reaching about 5000 students.
Lesson development workshops with teachers creating sample lessons on cardiovascular disease and diabetes – the top killers in Senegal - were also initiated. The national curriculum doesn't include lessons on these vital health topics.
CyberSmart Africa
Since 2010, Cybersmart Africa has continued to innovate the delivery of quality digital learning content in sub-Saharan Africa,
Santé à L'école, our 2022 initiative, is based on our deep insights into local needs, Insights that start with our over decade-long grassroots collaboration with Senegalese teachers. Insights that have already impacted millions of students around the globe.
Our technical advisors are leaders in the fields of healthcare, education, public policy, and global development.
Our point of departure is the rural village of Ndoffane, Senegal where we already distributed first aid kits to 19 schools. We also held initial lesson development workshop where teachers created sample lessons on cardiovascular disease and diabetes - among the top killers in Senegal. The national curriculum does not include lessons on these vital health topics.
Who are We?
We are a new initiative of CyberSmart Africa, a social enterprise and winners of WestAfricaCom’s Game-Changing Innovation Award. Santé à L'école, is based on our deep insights into local needs. Insights that start with 15 year grassroots collaboration with Senegalese teachers. Insights that have already impacted millions of students around the globe.
Our technical advisors are leaders in the fields of healthcare, education, public policy and global development.